BUX Digital API

An API for the creation and fulfillment of BUX eToken invoices utilizing the Simple Ledger Payment Protocol

Invoice Creation


A GET request is made to https://test.icorepay.io/v1/.

GET is used (as opposed to POST) in this case to allow the invoice creation request URL itself to be used as a standalone "buy" link on web pages, in emails, or as a QR code.

This API is public and requires no authorization. However, invoice creation requests made without valid authorization credentials will have a 10% (of the sum of amount) non-custodial processing fee added as an additional output in the payment request.

GET Query Data

The following GET query parameters are used (all values must be URI encoded):

merchant_nameThe name of the entity requesting the payment.
invoiceThe external identifier of the invoice (ie. the invoice number displayed to the buyer)
order_keyThe internal identifier of the invoice (ie. the primary key of the invoice row in the merchant's database)
merchant_addra single eToken address or a JSON-encoded array of destination addresses
amounta single number representing some amount of BUX or a JSON-encoded array of numbers representing destination amounts
offer_name(optional) A string with the name of the offer being made by the mertchant to the customer
offer_description(optional) A string with the description of the offer being made by the mertchant to the customer
success_url(optional) The URL that the buyer's wallet will redirect to upon successful payment
cancel_url(optional) The URL that the buyer's wallet will redirect to if payment is cancelled
ipn_url(optional) The URL to which IPN data will be posted upon successful payment
return_json(optional) If return_json is used and set to true, then this call will return a JSON object as defined below.

Note: if sending to multiple recipients, the address at a given index in the merchant_addr array corresponds with the number at the same index in the amount array. Both arrays must, therefore, be of the same length or an error will be returned.


  • Content-Type should be set to application/json.


The default behavior of this call is to redirect the buyer to a non-custodial web wallet to pay the invoice. This is currently wallet.badger.cash.

If the return_json option is used, the response will be a JSON format payload quite similar to the Simple Ledger Payment Protocol format.


  • network - Which network is this request for (main / test / regtest)
  • currency - Will be etoken
  • requiredFeeRate - Required miner fee (in satoshis per byte). BUX.digital currently subsidizes this fee for wallets supporting Postage Protocol. In such cases this value can be ignored
  • outputs - What output(s) your transaction must include in order to be accepted
  • time - ISO Date format of when the invoice was generated
  • expires - ISO Date format of when the invoice will expire
  • status - The status of the invoice open or paid
  • memo - A plain text description of the payment request, can be displayed to the user / kept for records
  • paymentUrl - The url where the payment should be sent
  • paymentId - The invoice ID, can be kept for records
  • callback - An object representing redirect URLs and the IPN data that will be posted to the ipn_url upon successful payment

Response Body Example

    "network": "main",
    "currency": "etoken",
    "requiredFeeRate": 1,
    "outputs": [
            "script": "6a04534c500001010453454e44207e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e50800000000000347d808000000000004af3808000000000000cbe8",
            "amount": 0
            "amount": 546,
            "script": "76a914e565e4e8ad08d520fde6890fe1b2f8e9210f29d688ac"
            "amount": 546,
            "script": "76a914e565e4e8ad08d520fde6890fe1b2f8e9210f29d688ac"
            "amount": 546,
            "script": "76a914ae789c93c904055b1ad88b1c645645d9f045178588ac"
    "time": "2022-12-01T03:01:53.481Z",
    "expires": "2022-12-01T03:16:53.481Z",
    "memo": "Payment to Some Merchant for order #asd123",
    "paymentUrl": "https://pay.badger.cash/i/A5JAK",
    "paymentId": "A5JAK",
    "status": "open",
    "callback": {
        "success_url": "https://example.com/success?id=123",
        "cancel_url": "https://example.com/cancel?id=123",
        "ipn_url": "https://example.com/ipn?id=123",
        "ipn_body": {
            "merchant": [
            "invoice": "asd123",
            "offer_name": "Great offer",
            "offer_description": "This is an amazing offer!",
            "custom": "FFWSD",
            "ipn_type": "simple",
            "currency1": "USD",
            "amount1": [

Curl Example

curl -v -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://bux.digital/v1/pay?merchant_name=Some%20Merchant&invoice=asd123&order_key=FFWSD&amount=%5B21.5%2C30.7%5D&merchant_addr=%5B%22etoken%3Aqrjkte8g45yd2g8au6yslcdjlr5jzref6c89q0p5ds%22%2C%22etoken%3Aqrjkte8g45yd2g8au6yslcdjlr5jzref6c89q0p5ds%22%5D&success_url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fsuccess%3Fid%3D123&cancel_url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fcancel%3Fid%3D123&ipn_url=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fipn%3Fid%3D123&return_json=true&offer_name=Great%20offer&offer_description=This%20is%20an%20amazing%20offer%21'

* Connected to bux.digital ( port 80 (#0)
> Host: bux.digital
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* old SSL session ID is stale, removing
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 935
< ETag: W/"3a7-M/YJlKaN5vjzC72cjO+CmC3ip04"
< Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 03:08:48 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Keep-Alive: timeout=5
* Connection #1 to host bux.digital left intact
{"network":"main","currency":"etoken","requiredFeeRate":1,"outputs":[{"script":"6a04534c500001010453454e44207e7dacd72dcdb14e00a03dd3aff47f019ed51a6f1f4e4f532ae50692f62bc4e50800000000000347d808000000000004af3808000000000000cbe8","amount":0},{"amount":546,"script":"76a914e565e4e8ad08d520fde6890fe1b2f8e9210f29d688ac"},{"amount":546,"script":"76a914e565e4e8ad08d520fde6890fe1b2f8e9210f29d688ac"},{"amount":546,"script":"76a914ae789c93c904055b1ad88b1c645645d9f045178588ac"}],"time":"2022-12-01T03:08:48.718Z","expires":"2022-12-01T03:23:48.718Z","memo":"Payment to Some Merchant for order #asd123","paymentUrl":"https://pay.badger.cash/i/FMWBT","paymentId":"FMWBT","status":"open","callback":{"success_url":"https://example.com/success?id=123","cancel_url":"https://example.com/cancel?id=123","ipn_url":"https://example.com/ipn?id=123","ipn_body":{"merchant":["etoken:qrjkte8g45yd2g8au6yslcdjlr5jzref6c89q0p5ds","etoken:qrjkte8g45yd2g8au6yslcdjlr5jzref6c89q0p5ds","etoken:qzh838yneyzq2kc6mz93cezkghvlq3ghs52c7nsmet"],"invoice":"asd123","offer_name":"Great offer","offer_description":"This is an amazing offer!","custom":"FFWSD","ipn_type":"simple","currency1":"USD","amount1":[21.5,30.7,5.22]}}}


The payment process follows the SLP Payment Protocol

API Endpoints

Check Status

Request Status

A GET request is made to paymentUrl with a header of Accept: application/payment-request

Request Status (Websocket)

A Websocket Secure (WSS) request is made to wss:// and the origin and path of paymentUrl (eg. wss://pay.badger.cash/i/TSWJ5)

When connection is established, a string consisting solely of paymentId (eg. TSWJ5) must be sent as the first message. If any other message is sent, or if paymentId is invalid, a JSON string representing an empty object will be returned and the connection will close.


Server will respond with a JSON response of the same type as the response during invoice creation.

If websocket is used and status is open, connection will remain open until closed by client or until status changes to paid, at which time a new object, reflecting the updated state, will be returned and the connection will close. If the invoice expires, a JSON string representing an empty object will be returned and the connection will close.

Invoice Payment Via Web Wallet

Visiting paymentUrl in a browser (no additional headers) will redirect to to a non-custodial web wallet to pay the invoice.

QR Code

Request QR code

A GET request is made to paymentUrl with a header of Accept: image/png.


A QR code representation of a URI formatted to Simple Ledger Payment Protocol URI specification (etoken: prefix, non-backwards compatible) is returned as a PNG image.

Instant Payment Notification (IPN)


Upon successful payment, an IPN request is sent to ipn_url, originating from the payment server identified by paymentUrl in the invoice creation response. The request will have, as its JSON body, the data in the callback.ipn_body property of the invoice creation response.

  • Content-Type will be application/json.


  • payment_id - corresponds to paymentId in invoice creation response
  • txn_id - transaction hash of payment. This value can (and should) be used by the merchant to independently verify the existence of the transaction on the blockchain before fulfilling the corresponding order
  • merchant - a single eToken address or a JSON-encoded array of destination addresses
  • amount1 - a single number representing some amount of BUX or a JSON-encoded array of numbers representing destination amounts
  • invoice - The external identifier of the invoice (ie. the invoice number displayed to the buyer)
  • custom - Corresponds to order_key. The internal identifier of the invoice (ie. the primary key of the invoice row in the merchant's database)
  • ipn_type - currently will always be set to simple
  • currency1 - currently will always be set to USD
  • status - Set to the number 100, representing completed payment
  • status_text - status message (ie. Status paid)

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